My friend Lisa ran into my husband in Keough's hardware store, they are the best and have an incredible stock of baking forms, cookie cutters, etc... although Tim goes for more manly items. We had been out of touch and Lisa asked what I have been up to. When he mentioned the word "quilt" she said she had been looking high and low for a special baby quilt that wasn't too expensive. Enter- Go Make Your Bed! I had about a day to accomplish this feat, luckily I had this great retro cheater quilt from Dena Designs and some super soft cowboy flannel for the back. Of course, organic batting, which goes without saying-there I said it anyway!
I wanted to photograph it before she came to pick it up, and I had an idea. She mention the baby's grandpa was Jim Henson's right hand man and actually helped create Snuffleupagus. I have often thought Tys, my Friesian, was a cross between Magilla Gorilla and Snuffleupagus, so he said he was will ing to model it for me. I hope the baby, George, spends hours of joy rolling around on it.... Like Ollie did! Don't worry, I totally de-furred it before bagging it up!
Whole cloth baby quilts run $50- $100.00 depending on the fabric used and size. This one was 42"x 42" and was $75,00, as it was a custom RUSH order. Vintage fabrics cost more too, and patchwork quilts start at $75.00 for a 40"x40" when in stock. I'm flexible, prolific, and I look forward to filling orders. Please feel free to give as much input as you like!
Nice horse blanket!